Sunday, March 31, 2013

What a story...

Few days ago I watched something that shocked me a bit. It's not a new movie and definitely not for every audience. It's one of those you think about afterwards...and it does not leave you with positive feeling.

For those who hate subtitles I got bad news, it's a danish movie :) unless, you ARE Danish or speak fluently then no biggie ;))

This 1998 movie is directed a bit like a documentary and the camera is moving all the time (as I'm no technical movie expert I do not know the proper name of this technique of directing). There is chaos and you feel like you observe some process or wait for "this" thing to happen but you don't know what...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Movies or Series?

I'm more of a movie person but that does not mean I do not watch some series that one could call a "soap opera" :) Along the years there were a few that I loved watching and come back to from time to time. The ones that I will mention here are not necessarily my favorite or the best that I've seen. Some are bringing good memories from childhood, some remind me of certain places I've been to or enjoy coming back to and some...are actually the series I'm watching right now :) I will divide them into 3 is "Devoted to New York City", another to " What's up doc? " :) and the third one will be "Too much drama but there's something about it".

New York is very often the background for movies and series. Some say it is the best city in the world..... Well I wouldn't go that far but there is something about it. When I was in high school, one day I came across "Felicity" on tv.... And very accidentally became addicted :) 

Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 movies I'm anxiously waiting for :)

Few days ago I have noticed that my watchlist on IMDB got quite long as I've added many titles that will appear in cinemas this year. Soooo I thought I'll share with you some of the most exciting ones that I'm waiting for....I hope they are worth waiting for but that we will know later ;)

Let's start with a new Ryan Gosling movie, who in my opinion became a really good actor along those years. Always choosing complicated roles to play, disturbing characters like in Drive or nazi weirdo like in The Believer.
The title is Only God Forgives.