Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 movies I'm anxiously waiting for :)

Few days ago I have noticed that my watchlist on IMDB got quite long as I've added many titles that will appear in cinemas this year. Soooo I thought I'll share with you some of the most exciting ones that I'm waiting for....I hope they are worth waiting for but that we will know later ;)

Let's start with a new Ryan Gosling movie, who in my opinion became a really good actor along those years. Always choosing complicated roles to play, disturbing characters like in Drive or nazi weirdo like in The Believer.
The title is Only God Forgives.

The poster is already drastic which gives me a thought that the movie will be very interesting :) Another thing is that the story takes place in Thailand where I've spent marvelous holidays a year ago so that is also a plus :) 

And when you add the plot about thai-boxing....and just to be clear, they fight with no shirts meaning...we might see Ryan Goslings' six pack.... I'm already fond of this movie!

Have you ever read The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald? The question is also...have you ever watched The Great Gatsby with Robert Redford from 1974? :) I both read and saw the '74 version and loved it so I'm a bit concerned about the new one with Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan. And it's directed by Baz Luhrmann so I guess we should expect big production like Romeo&Juliet, Moulin Rouge or Australia.

Am not sure if I will like it but definitely I gotta see it to compare! We wait then...and actually we have to wait longer than previously expected as firstly the release date was set for December 2012, now it's May 2013 but who knows if that's the final one :) 

Lars Von Trier is famous for making very controversial movies.
And there is no difference with the upcoming one Nymphomaniac. Along with two of his favorite actors - Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe - we will see the energetic Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Bell, Stellan Skarsgard, Christian Slater and even Uma Thurman.

I think we can imagine more or less what to expect with such title :) However as Lars himself, the movie will shock and reveal emotions you never even wanted to touch upon....and that's what I love in his movies. It's not that I'm a big fan or something, it's just that his movies are always a big deal, there are legends about the way he directs movies, how many of the scenes were "real" :) 

World War Z, I definitely recommend to see the trailer! One of my friends told me about this movie and even though it's another one about zombies...yes really ..... zombies indeed :) I still want to watch it and if my FRIEND is reading this - just FYI, we go to the cinema together :)

As I did mention in previous posts, Brad Pitt is one of my favorites and you'll be able to see him here. But what is worth stating, this is a big production, science fiction movie that is worth seeing on big screen. It will be released on 21st June in US.

Last but not least Diana. The resemblance of Naomi Watts to Princess Diana is a good thing for a start but will it be a good movie? Will it reveal any monarchy secrets or facts about her love life? It was just a matter of time until Hollywood considers making a movie out of this tragical accident that happened almost 16 years ago.

But this is sure that a lot of people will go to see it as the whole world cried after Diana. I'm just curious which period of her life they will show, is it gonna be just parts taken from all her life or they will concentrate on her last years? As for me, it can be a 4 hours movie showing years starting from how she met Prince Charles :) 

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