Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oscar Nominations 2013

All day I was waiting for this list! In few words, time difference sucks:)

But let's get to the point. It looks like I will have a lot to catch up before 24th Feb which actually makes me really happy  :)

Movies about politics, subject I don't particularly like appear more often on the screen lately. And by number of nominations I'm guessing Lincoln must be a really good one as it received 12 nominations! Am not gonna mention all of them but Daniel Day-Lewis (who I really admire) is nominated as actor in leading role, Steven Spielberg (yes, we already forgot about Sharks) for directing and the movie itself. Haven't seen it yet so no opinion here...but I can only imagine Daniel with his ambitious approach towards roles he chooses will get Oscar!

Life of Pi landed with 11 Oscar nominations, by the way...interesting title...also I have not seen this one yet but judging by the types of nominations it's a movie with really good sound: music (original score & original music,sound editing & mixing).

Next we got movies with 8 nominations: Silver Linings Playbook, Les Miserables and Argo with 7.

Who haven't seen the Hangover??:) I bet everyone! So you know who Bradley Cooper is and apparently so does the Academy as they nominated him for the leading my Bradley is becoming a REAL actor :) Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro and Jacki Weaver are also on the list so all 4 possible actor/actress nominations appear for this movie.

For the past few months everyone were talking about Les Miserables and we all know the plot but seriously I'm very curious how it was directed by Tom Hooper. Gorgeous Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are also in the loop.

Another interesting title is Argo directed by Ben Affleck who also plays in the movie. Last time when he did more for the movie than taking one of the roles,his friend Matt Damon and him received Oscars!Good Will Hunting was one of my favorite movies in the 90s.

Four movies received 5 Oscar nominations, Amour, Django Unchained, Skyfall and Zero Dark Thirty. Out of those I have seen only one, latest James Bond....I know, this is pathetic, me calling myself a huge movie fan!

Amour, am not gonna lie, I never heard about it. But the directors name rings a bell, Michael Haneke.

Django Unchained ... now that one is gonna be either a weirdo kinda movie or an amazing experiment since Quentin Tarantino does not direct regular movies.

Skyfall is a completely different type of James Bond movies, it brings something new to the subject. In my opinion...quite a good change!

Kathryn Bigelow comes back with another war movie Zero Dark Thirty...or shall I say I am assuming it is a war movie as she received an Oscar in the past for directing the Hurt Locker, a must see movie!

There are obviously many more films nominated but I think I should not act like a big movie critic here since I gotta start watching all the mentioned ones! :)

So here is a full list of all 2013 Oscar nominations:

Best Picture:
"Beasts of the Southern Wild"
"Silver Linings Playbook"
"Zero Dark Thirty"
"Les Miserables"
"Life of Pi"
"Django Unchained"
Best Supporting Actor:
Christoph Waltz, "Django Unchained"
Philip Seymour Hoffman, "The Master"
Robert De Niro, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Alan Arkin, "Argo"
Tommy Lee Jones, "Lincoln"
Best Supporting Actress:
Sally Field, "Lincoln"
Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables"
Jacki Weaver, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Helen Hunt, "The Sessions"
Amy Adams, "The Master"
Best Director:
David O. Russell, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Ang Lee, "Life of Pi"
Steven Spielberg, "Lincoln"
Michael Haneke, "Amour"
Benh Zeitlin, "Beasts of the Southern Wild"
Best Actor:
Daniel Day Lewis, "Lincoln"
Denzel Washington, "Flight"
Hugh Jackman, "Les Miserables"
Bradley Cooper, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Joaquin Phoenix, "The Master"
Best Actress:
Naomi Watts, "The Impossible"
Jessica Chastain, "Zero Dark Thirty"
Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Emmanuelle Riva, "Amour"
Quvenzhané Wallis, "Beasts of the Southern Wild"
Best Original Screenplay:
"Zero Dark Thirty"
"Django Unchained"
"Moonrise Kingdom"
Best Adapted Screenplay:
"Silver Linings Playbook"
"Life of Pi"
"Beasts of the Southern Wild"
Best Animated Feature:
"The Pirates! Band of Misfits"
"Wreck-It Ralph"
Best Foreign Feature:
"A Royal Affair"
"War Witch"
Best Visual Effects:
"Life of Pi"
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
"The Avengers"
"Snow White and the Huntsman"
Best Cinematography:
"Anna Karenina"
"Django Unchained"
"Life of Pi"
Best Costume Design:
"Anna Karenina"
"Les Miserables"
"Mirror Mirror"
"Snow White and the Huntsman"
Best Documentary Feature:
"Searching for Sugar Man"
"How to Survive a Plague"
"The Gatekeepers"
"5 Broken Cameras"
"The Invisible War"
Best Documentary Short:
"Open Heart"
"Kings Point"
"Mondays at Racine"
"Snow White and the Huntsman"
Best Film Editing:
"Silver Linings Playbook"
"Life of Pi"
"Zero Dark Thirty"
Best Makeup and Hairstyling:
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
"Les Miserables"
Best Music (Original Score):
"Anna Karenina"
"Life of Pi"
Best Music (Original Song):
"Before My Time" from "Chasing Ice"
"Everybody Needs A Best Friend" from "Ted"
"Pi's Lullaby" from "Life of Pi"
"Skyfall" from "Skyfall"
"Suddenly" from "Les Misérables"
Best Production Design:
"Anna Karenina"
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
"Les Misérables"
"Life of Pi"
Best Short Film, Animated:
"Adam and Dog"
"Fresh Guacamole"
"Head over Heels"
"Maggie Simpson in 'The Longest Daycare'"
Best Short Film, Live Action:
"Buzkashi Boys"
"Death of a Shadow (Dood van een Schaduw)"
Best Sound Editing:
"Django Unchained"
"Life of Pi"
"Zero Dark Thirty"
Best Sound Mixing:
"Les Misérables"
"Life of Pi"

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