Sunday, December 29, 2013

Few movies worth seeing here it is, you wanna watch some good and interesting cinema? The below 3 are definitely worth to see!

Juliette Binoche is a popular french actress that is not afraid of challenge. The last movie with her in main role that I've seen is Elles directed by Malgoska Szumowska. Really interesting and honest movie about young students in Paris who sleep with men for money to put it short :) But, the topic is more complicated  and shown from different dimensions. 

The main character played by Binoche is a reporter working on an article and while doing her interviews with the girls she is also going thru some personal stuff.

For the sensitive ones....please be prepared for some rough scenes as Szumowska is not beating around the bushes. She is famous for depicting with eccentric taste and showing more than the viewier would like to. Also worth mentioning, good play by Joanna Kulig.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Classics for Christmas

There are certain movies you can count on seeing during Christmas holidays on tv. One of the obvious titles that quickly comes to my mind is Gone with the Wind.

This is the classic of the classics on my list and I'm never tired of watching it. To be honest, there is no Christmas without Scarlett and Rhett :) At least in my home :)

In 1939, Gone with the Wind set a new Oscar numbers record  with eight awards and additional one for the producer David O. Selznick. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Miss Representation

I was suppose to write the regular thing I do from time to time, few movies from my list that I either liked or not or want to see...but instead I want to talk only about one particular documentary movie I saw just yesterday.

This one is a must see and not only for women as it is very educative. To be honest, I will watch it again as there are so many important subjects touched upon that it is worth seeing more than once to digest it properly.

Very obvious topic, women are not equal to men in today's world and we all know about it.....but do we REALLY know that?:)

Do we talk about it? Do we mention this subject when spending an evening out with our friends? Are we really aware of the impact and know the facts and numbers?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Few good & bad surprises

One of the movies I was waiting for and even mentioned on the blog about that was a big surprise... unfortunately an unpleasant one. Only God can I even start?:) 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Girls Night Movie

Maybe it's just a cliche that women watch love stories on their girls night movies or when going to cinema.... I guess we really seek for some romance, that is either missing or not there at all in the real life :)

I wanna mention this time few movies that I adore and are romantic in different ways.....and still worth watching as it's not only a "soap opera" stupid love.

Let's start with the one I just saw on tv....and actually it made the trigger to write something about it now :P

One Day with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.
This movie was a delightful surprise and I was crying like a baby. It's a true love story of two young people that had to wait for bloom :) Actually the story is very up to date as I think many people pass by each other not seeing the real feeling or being scared of it at first.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sky Movies

Long time no see :) Had a long break blogging here however...that does not mean I haven't seen any movies :) 

I went for longer holidays and as you can imagine, I was not able to sleep on those transatlantic flights when so many new movies are just awaiting on the list! Sooo here are a few I saw on the way to US and back :)

Let's start with a movie I had high expectations from....and...... :) 

With such cast, even though somehow it reminded me of Twilight, i has to be a good one right??? NOOOOTTTT as one of my friends would say :P

Beautiful Creatures, there is Jeremy Irons and Emma Thompson as background characters and actually the story itself is quite interesting. But in the end, there's sth missing there! I must admit I expected way much more fire between 2 main characters and somehow the way all is's just slow and becomes boring.

Monday, May 13, 2013

After 45 and fabulous!

Many actresses in age 45+ state while being interviewed that there are not many characters written for them to play in a movie. Is that true? Well...maybe it is since the trend of being young & beautiful in Hollywood mostly concerns women. Men are treated a bit differently and can choose from the pot of great roles on big screen till old age ;)

However, this does not mean there are no gorgeous actresses in age 45+. There are quite a few, not all of them are so phenomenal as Meryl Streep but still I found plenty of amazing women in film industry.

Meryl will be celebrating her 64th birthday this year and it seems like this woman is a knockout! She is not only talented but knows how to manage her career path. People say she can play anyone and anything. I have seen so many movies with her I cannot even choose which one I liked more? :) I also go back to old ones like The Deer Hunter, Out of Africa or Sophie's Choice. She received 3 Oscars and has been nominated 17 times...and you know what, she's not done. There will be more to come, I can feel it. What I admire in her is that she is not under all this "beauty/surgery" pressure. Even if she did anything to her looks, you can't tell right?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Terrorism on big screen

Since 9/11 attacks the plot of suicide bombers, Al-Kaida and terrorism is widely discussed by people around the world, not only in papers, in politics and news, but also in movies. Some of them are based on true stories and some of them show lives of CIA & FBI agents the way they could be in reality. 

 I have just finished 2nd season of Homeland and I am very impressed! Seriously, I was not expecting such good plot and acting. Actually, I started watching it only because I saw Golden Globes this year and they received many awards for 2012 and previous year too. 

The main character Carrie, played by Claire Danes, is a CIA agent very often working under cover and her main task is to work out terrorist networks. Accompanied by Damian Lewis as Brody the whole plot is set around them and the world of Al-Kaida and possibility of future attacks. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

What a story...

Few days ago I watched something that shocked me a bit. It's not a new movie and definitely not for every audience. It's one of those you think about afterwards...and it does not leave you with positive feeling.

For those who hate subtitles I got bad news, it's a danish movie :) unless, you ARE Danish or speak fluently then no biggie ;))

This 1998 movie is directed a bit like a documentary and the camera is moving all the time (as I'm no technical movie expert I do not know the proper name of this technique of directing). There is chaos and you feel like you observe some process or wait for "this" thing to happen but you don't know what...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Movies or Series?

I'm more of a movie person but that does not mean I do not watch some series that one could call a "soap opera" :) Along the years there were a few that I loved watching and come back to from time to time. The ones that I will mention here are not necessarily my favorite or the best that I've seen. Some are bringing good memories from childhood, some remind me of certain places I've been to or enjoy coming back to and some...are actually the series I'm watching right now :) I will divide them into 3 is "Devoted to New York City", another to " What's up doc? " :) and the third one will be "Too much drama but there's something about it".

New York is very often the background for movies and series. Some say it is the best city in the world..... Well I wouldn't go that far but there is something about it. When I was in high school, one day I came across "Felicity" on tv.... And very accidentally became addicted :) 

Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 movies I'm anxiously waiting for :)

Few days ago I have noticed that my watchlist on IMDB got quite long as I've added many titles that will appear in cinemas this year. Soooo I thought I'll share with you some of the most exciting ones that I'm waiting for....I hope they are worth waiting for but that we will know later ;)

Let's start with a new Ryan Gosling movie, who in my opinion became a really good actor along those years. Always choosing complicated roles to play, disturbing characters like in Drive or nazi weirdo like in The Believer.
The title is Only God Forgives.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Post Oscars

It wasn't bad but it wasn't excellent either - that is how I would sum up this years Oscars :)
There are so many articles and blogs around internet with reviews and detailed comments about Oscars that I've decided to keep it short & sweet this time. Wanted to share some photos I found, obviously with amazing dresses of beautiful actresses or with certain moments captured during the show. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Who would you like to give an Oscar? :)

Each year I make this list of who should win in each category...but I also think of who will most probably win ;) Obviously I got my own winners chosen however movie business has its own laws. Many people predict Oscars basing on the Golden Globes winners and there actually is a big probability this pattern will be correct. So let's see once again who is nominated this year :) With bold font you will find my personal favorite and with CAPITAL letters the ones that might win according to my blonde logic :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Who likes documentaries?

From time to time I do :) Don't get me wrong, I do prefer unrealistic, breath taking romantic movies or serious dramas that leave you "thinking"...but it is good to know what is happening in the real world, what are the new trends, opinions of artists, certain views on politics etc. First of can learn something new ;)

I wanted to mention a few documentaries here, not in any particular order, not because all of them are amazing or only because they won some awards....For me it was just interesting to watch!

March of the Penguins won an Oscar in 2005 and I thought, what the hell.... Yes, penguins are very cute animals but what's the story with this one? One of the narrators in the movie is Morgan Freeman but actually, that does not make any difference, at least not to my attention. Some time ago I watched one of those BBC movies about nature with amazing pictures, such close shots of animals in their everyday life that it stunned me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Don't you think Anthony Hopkins looks very alike Alfred Hitchcock?
As for me he caught the weirdness of Alfred along with some of his mimics in the new movie Hitchcock, which is nominated to Oscars for Make-Up & Hair Styling.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Love Story

On the set of a movie it often happens that people fall in love and that wouldn't be anything weird considering the fact that sometimes they work months or even years along each other. However, it gets tricky and "interesting" when the other one is already in a relationship or even married :) Lets not be hypocrites and admit that from time to time all of us have a look on certain tabloids and magazines and find "dating news" entertaining :) So this time I would like to have a look on some actors and actresses that actually met on the set of the movie. I'm not gonna go to much into details or google the internet, just write whatever I think :)

I want to start with my personal favorite, Brad Pitt :) This handsome guy had quite a few stories on the road, am not saying he is an angel (obviously) but still he has his charm and in the end...he has been with Angelina Jolie for around 7 years and as you all know...that's very long for Hollywood! But let's go back to earlier years. Does anyone remember Brad dating Juliette Lewis??? It was back in 1989 and even though she was only 16, they were together for almost 4 years. Apparently they met while filming TooYoung to Die (I do not remember seeing that one) and also played along in Kalifornia. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What I think about...

As I declared in previous posts I have started watching movies nominated to Oscars...and not only :)

So I would like to start with one I call "do not watch it" and the winner is...Cloud Atlas!Seriously people, it is not worth wasting your time, to be more precise exactly 3 hours of your time:) I am astonished that Wachowski brothers (or should I write brother & sister?) made such a bad movie. The idea is quite interesting itself but it's just chaos there.The only "times" I sort of enjoyed watching was the future with its visual effects,action and dialogues, but that's just 20% or less of the movie :) And when I read somewhere they spent around 100 m $ on it? it's just sad really. I actually don't even feel like mentioning the plot for you, as it's not worth it :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oscar Nominations 2013

All day I was waiting for this list! In few words, time difference sucks:)

But let's get to the point. It looks like I will have a lot to catch up before 24th Feb which actually makes me really happy  :)

Movies about politics, subject I don't particularly like appear more often on the screen lately. And by number of nominations I'm guessing Lincoln must be a really good one as it received 12 nominations! Am not gonna mention all of them but Daniel Day-Lewis (who I really admire) is nominated as actor in leading role, Steven Spielberg (yes, we already forgot about Sharks) for directing and the movie itself. Haven't seen it yet so no opinion here...but I can only imagine Daniel with his ambitious approach towards roles he chooses will get Oscar!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Elizabeth Taylor in my favorite classic movies

From time to time I get into this mood of watching some old classic movies. I do the research, read some reviews, check who plays in the movie.

Elizabeth Taylor is an icon and was a beautiful woman so no introduction was needed. 

One day I came across the title Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on TCM channel. The movie got my attention very quickly, it not only has amazing cast - gorgeous Paul Newman is there as well - but the intense atmosphere & well written dialogues. I've seen this movie few times already and I still love it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"And the Oscar goes to..."

We are getting closer to this wonderful night of movies! On 24th February we'll keep our fingers crossed for our favourite directors, actors and actresses.

Nominations for this year's awards will be revealed on 10th January. And that's when the game begins....the game of watching all the films we have not seen least, that's when MY game of catching up with all the chosen ones start :)